Calling All Prosecco Lovers! This Easter Egg Tastes Like Your Fave Bubbly

Everyone knows a girl totally obsessed with prosecco. Now there’s an Easter egg that bubbles just like the famous fizz.

Made by the luxury chocolate brand Prestat, this Pink Prosecco Popping Egg is a must-have for any lovers of a bubbly.

The egg claims to ‘bubble’ just like the famed fizzy beverage, thanks to a dose of popping candy.

Tucked away inside the egg are a selection of mini truffles and a delicious ganache filling.

Not only does the Easter egg sound totally delicious, but it looks stunning too. It’s basically just asking to be Instagrammed!

This extravagant egg is pretty pricey, though, it’ll set you back £17.50. Maybe we’ll just opt for a Maltesers Easter egg like usual, then…

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