Child Runs Up A Huge Phone Bill Watching Spongebob

A child has ran up a huge phone bill after using his dad’s mobile phone to watch episodes of Spongebob Square pants.

The bill comes in at over £3000!

A father had received a £3,300 phone bill after his son downloaded six SpongeBob SquarePants episodes on while the family were on holiday.

Conan Sturdy, allowed his 10-year-old son Felix to watch the cartoon for the evening while they were camping in Kent because it was raining.

Conan did not know there would be streaming costs if he went over his data allowance. He ended up going over his data allowance by 5.4 gigabytes.

He received a bill from BT telling him that each gigabyte would cost an extra £612, resulting in him getting a huge £3,309.40 charge.

Conan said ”I was making dinner and watching it with him, he used my iPhone 6 and watched about six episodes on Netflix. I didn’t think anything of it. I did get a text from BT, but it just said I was about to go over my allowance, there wasn’t a mention of cost and previously they had just cut off my data when I exceeded my allowance. I knew I would have to pay a little bit more in the month because he was watching it, but when I got a bill through saying it was over £3,000 I thought there must be some sort of mistake.”

Conan contacted BT as soon as he received the bill, only to be told that he wasn’t given any warning because that department didn’t exist anymore.

He currently pays £50 a month for his BT business contract which includes a 2GB allowance. 

BT have now wiped the bill as a gesture of good will.

What do you think of this? Do you think BT were right to wipe his bill or should he have been more careful?


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