Compensation for thousands of Buy As You View Customers

Compensation for thousands of Buy As You View Customers

It is thought the compensation will cost hundreds of thousands of pounds

Around 59,000 customers of Buy as You View, which rents out furniture, TVs and other electronic goods on hire purchase are set to cash in after the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), raised concerns about the clarity of fees and the treatment of customers in arrears.

The FCA also questioned the way customers were given payment meters to restrict access to TVs.

Dunraven Finance, which uses the trading name Buy as You View, will pay £939,000 in compensation.

This is an average of nearly £16 per customer.

The compensation will be given by adjusting bills or in cash payments.

Customers will be contacted directly about their refunds, if they are eligible.

Chief executive of Dunraven Finace, Graham Clarke said: “We have worked closely with the FCA in recent months to address these issues and I am sorry to any of our customers who may have experienced difficulties as a result of us not achieving the high standards we set ourselves.”

In the future, instead of the current policy of restricting access to the customer’s television when payments are not received on time, the company will issue a default notice at least 14 days prior to restrictions.

Dunraven Finance is also conducting a review of customers who may have been offered more credit than they should have been.

The vast majority of customers to receive compensation will do so as a result of fees applied to their accounts for unpaid direct debits since 2001.

Jonathan Davidson, from the FCA, said: “It is important that firms meet our standards, including carrying out proper creditworthiness assessment and making sure that those in difficulty are treated fairly. We will continue, when necessary, to take action against inappropriate behaviour.”

Will you be entitled to a refund?

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