Council Tax Benefit 2016

Are you looking for some advice on council tax benefit 2016?

I have answered your frequently asked questions to help you understand Council tax benefit

What is council tax benefit?

Everyone has to pay council tax which is based on your property size, area etc. You may be entitled to council tax benefit which is a reduction in how much council tax you have to pay.

Can I get council tax benefit?

If you fit into any of the below brackets then you may be eligible…

  • Have a low income
  • On certain benefits such as income support or jobseekers allowance
  • There are reductions for some students but this is where it gets complicated so I suggest calling your local council tax office.

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I think I may be entitled, how do I find out for sure?

Call your local council tax office or visit their website. They will be able to advise you if you are eligible and start a claim for you.

Do I have to inform anyone of a change?

Yes. If your circumstances change in anyway such as a new job, a partner moving in or out, you’ve won the Euro Millions (Fingers crossed!) then let your local council tax office know straight away so they can update their records. You may no longer be entitled to the council tax benefit but if you don’t inform them of the change then you could be fined and have to pay back any over payment.

I am struggling to pay for my council tax but I’m not entitled to help.

Start by contacting your local council tax office. They may be able to help, if they can’t help then visit your local Citizens Advice office. Take along proof of your financial situation and be honest with them. They can offer your help and advice to improve your financial situation and claim any reductions and benefits you may be entitled to.

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