Currys Queue Jumper

For those that want to access NOW and don’t want to wait in that silly queue, follow my trick below to get instant access 🙂 This may also work for other sites that have a queue system, but I haven’t tested them yet.

On a Desktop Computer

  1. You need Chrome for these instructions, but something similar may work in other browsers
  2. Open Chrome and click on this link: chrome://chrome/settings/content
  3. In the “Content Settings”, click the option “Do not allow any site to run Javascript” then click “Finish”
  4. Now go to and because the Javascript option is disabled you should be able to access the site
  5. After you’ve bought from Currys, follow these instructions again but this time untick the option above and click Finish


On a Mobile Phone

  1. You need Chrome for these instructions, but something similar may work in other browsers
  2. Open Chrome and click on the menu and then go to “Settings”
  3. Now scroll down to “Content Settings”
  4. Next untick the option “Enable Javascript”
  5. Finally come out of the settings and go to and because the Javascript option is disabled you should be able to access the site
  6. After you’ve bought from Currys, follow these instructions again but this time untick the option above and click Finish



**** iPhone UPDATE ****

Here are some instructions on how to disable Javascript in Safari on iPhones….

  1. First select the Settings icon, normally located towards the top of your iPhone Home Screen.
  2. Your iPhone Settings menu should now be displayed. Scroll down until you see the choice labeled Safari. Select Safari.
  3. Safari’s Settings screen should now be displayed. The first option in the Security section is JavaScript. To disable it, select the light gray area directly to the right of the ON button.
  4. You will now notice that the JavaScript option has a disabled OFF button associated with it. After you’ve bought from the Currys wbesite, activate JavaScript again buy simply select the light gray area located to the left of this button.


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