Examine it closely
Stressed out, cramming everything in, being frustrated and feeling unprepared…..and that’s just the teachers. Yes, exam season is upon us again and it’s a time when many young people have to deal with stressful situations and try desperately to remember everything that they weren’t listening to in the first place.
One of the best things your teacher can advise is to have worked hard and listened in all your classes…..failing that here are some tips to get through the exams.
Be organized, the key to anything is preparation, this involves more than having a pen (though that would be a good start) Clear notes and taking your book home are always good ways to revise but transferring the information onto flash cards or into a smaller book to make sure you understand the information is a good technique. Even better is to revise from someone else’s book. I know this seems weird but when you read things you have written, your brain tells you what you think you have put, not what is actually there. If you use someone else’s book you have to concentrate more and may read something in their notes you missed.
Be organized, the key to anything is preparation, this involves more than having a pen (though that would be a good start) Clear notes and taking your book home are always good ways to revise but transferring the information onto flash cards or into a smaller book to make sure you understand the information is a good technique. Even better is to revise from someone else’s book. I know this seems weird but when you read things you have written, your brain tells you what you think you have put, not what is actually there. If you use someone else’s book you have to concentrate more and may read something in their notes you missed.
This means it’s a good time to start getting very friendly with the smart people in the class.
Revision sessions are no doubt being run by various teachers – GO TO THEM, if they aren’t being run by teachers in your weaker subjects than ask nicely.
Revision guides and online resources should be available through your school, Bitesize is always a good first stop but there are many more out there.
On the day before the exam DON’T cram. Stop a few hours before you go to bed and chill, don’t get stressed out and then try to sleep – the one thing you need is a good night’s sleep. Go to bed on time or even a little early, try to turn off all I pads, phones or other electronic devices that will stop your brain winding down and don’t drink any alcohol (if you’re doing GCSE this should not be an issue!)
On the day of the exam eat a good breakfast, I know you might be a bit nervous but a good slow carb release breakfast will help, our brain needs
On the day of the exam eat a good breakfast, I know you might be a bit nervous, but a good slow carb release breakfast will help, our brain needs
On the day of the exam eat a good breakfast, I know you might be a bit nervous but a good slow carb release breakfast will help, our brain needs energy to work so give it something like porridge or brown toast. About 15 min before you go in, have a chocolate bar, the sugar rush will help you carry through, you can’t have them in the exam room so just before will be fine. You can however, take a bottle of water with you to keep you hydrated. Some institutions will make you remove the label due to some spectacular cheating a few years ago where someone reprinted the label with the answers on (don’t get any ideas).
In English papers especially remember you CAN highlight the paper with the resources on, so do so, it will help you find information a lot quicker and save precious time. Highlighters are your friend here.
An old trick is to revise with a certain smell in the air such as a perfume or burning a lemon scented candle and then wearing the same perfume in the exam. Scent is said to be one of the biggest triggers to memory, how well this works I’m not sure but I’m told it helps.
Always check your work after you have finished if you have time, don’t sit staring at the wall, check through to see if you can improve anything, this is the time where it counts.
And finally after it’s all over don’t stress about what you have already put. It’s over, you can’t change it, I know you will compare notes with the others, and the dreaded “what did you put?” question but just enjoy the fact your done and remember…..there are always re-sits.