Extra hour TV a day can cost teenagers two grades at GCSE.


Extra hour of TV a day can cost teenagers two grades at GCSE.

Are your kids at GCSE age? If so then you might be tempted to crack down on TV to Revision ratio after you’ve read this!

We all know Television can be a big distraction when it comes to preparing for exams, but A Cambridge University has now revealed that those spending an extra hour a day on screens saw a fall in GCSE results, equivilent to two grades overall.
Lead researcher Dr Kirsten Corder, from Cambridge University, told ITV News: “Television, computer games and internet use were all harmful to academic performance, but TV viewing was the most detrimental. We can cautiously infer that increased screen time may lead to poorer academic performance for GCSEs. I certainly wouldn’t recommend banning television. But if teenagers or parents are concerned about GCSE results, one thing might be to look at the amount of TV viewing that they’re doing and maybe just try to be sensible about it.”

The research was part of a large study looking at different factors affecting the mental health, well-being and achievement of teenagerson their journey to adulthood. The study went on to prove that levels of physical exercise and sport had no negative impacts on GCSE’s!

Playing on computer games or the internet also significantly damages teenagers performance in exams.

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