Facebook is about to introduce another cool new feature!

Facebook is about to introduce another cool new feature!

Just when we thought Facebook couldn’t get any better, it goes and adds ANOTHER new feature. Soon there will be nothing we can’t do via Facebook.

The social media site is is introducing a feature which will tell us what the weather is like before we even get chance to draw back our curtains. 

The feature is currently being rolled out and some UK users will find that they already have access to it. 

This time It’s not just iPhone users who will benefit, Android users will be able to see the maximum and minimum temperatures too.

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The new feature comes after the huge success of Facebook live video and Facebook reactions, both of which have so far gone down a treat with Facebook users.

I don’t think I’m the only one who checks my Facebook first thing on a morning as soon as I wake up, so I think this will be an extremely beneficial tool for everyone.

It will save us going elsewhere to check our weather and consequently save us time no doubt.

The weather alerts are currently just on a trial basis, but who doesn’t want to keep up with the weather without having to actually get up and go outside for ourselves?

I hope they keep all of these great new features coming!

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