Fatal consequences for parents who don’t practice this tip!

Fatal consequences for parents who don’t practice this tip!

You may have already seen this image going around social media over the past few days as it’s already been shared well over 162,000 times, but even if just one parent takes something away from this article then it was worth me posting it on here!

One mother has been brave enough to share her horrendous car crash experience in the hopes that others can learn from her ordeal.

Heather Starr, a mother from Colorado, took to social media to explain the importance of getting the positioning correct of the clasp on your child’s car seat.

Sharing this photo of a three-year-old girl who had just been in a car accident, Starr wrote:‘The bruising on her chest is from her chest clip on her 5-point harness…Clearly, there was some force to that accident. Had the clip been placed lower, she likely would have had organ damage…Had it been placed higher, she could have been asphyxiated.’

car seat

Luckily the three-year-old girl is now totally fine and Heather has assured: ‘This little girl is walking away from a car accident with some uncomfortable chest bruising. A couple inches difference and she wouldn’t have been walking away at all.’

The mother of the child who had originally taken the photograph has said that she had only instructed her partner on where to position the car seat clasp a week earlier and doctors in the ER say the correct positioning definitely prevented internal bleeding or asphyxiation.

Certified child car safety expert and paediatrician Alisa Baer said you should position the clasp with ‘the top of the clip at the top of the child’s armpits.’

She also adds that one of the most important things is to keep the harness straps snug to the body – making sure the shoulder straps aren’t loose.

So although this article may be slightly hard hitting, hopefully it will make people aware of the importance of fastening childrens car seat clasps correctly and teaching partners and family members to do the same.

CLICK HERE to get a Halfords Essentials Group 123 child seat for £34.99.

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