Garden hose warning for parents

Garden hose warning for parents

We often use one to fill up our child’s paddling pool so we need to be super careful…

9-month-old Nicholas Woodger was sitting in his paddling pool waiting for mum Dominque to fill it up.
To her horror, when Dominque sprayed Nicholas with the water in the hose, a stream of boiling liquid emerged.

Garden hose warning for parents

Nicholas suffered second-degree burns to 30 per cent of his body.

Dominque said “I thought he was crying because he was mad, because he hates when he gets sprayed in the face. I didn’t think that it was burning him.”

Police in the area explained that water left in a hose during warm temperatures can become dangerously hot – reaching 66C if the air temperature is 46C.

Luckily Nicholas won’t be permanently scarred but his mum wanted to warn others to beware of the dangers of hoses left out in the heat. “It’s heartbreaking. It is. It sucks. All of it was peeling. He had blisters all over the right side. Just be careful. Just touch it before you spray, before you let your kids near it.”

Garden hose warning for parents

Please pass this on to friends and family to ensure this doesn’t happen again…

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