Get DISCOUNTED Food at Wetherspoons For One Day Only!

Love hitting up your local for a bite to eat? You can get 7.5% off food and drink at Wetherspoons for ONE DAY ONLY this month.

If you visit a branch of JD Wetherspoons on the 20th September 2017 you will receive 7.5% off your bill.

This discount comes as the chain of pubs are showing their support for Tax Equality Day, to highlight the benefit of a VAT reduction in the hospitality industry.

Pubs and restaurants currently pay 20% VAT on all their food and drink. Tax Equality Day is set to highlight the unfairness of this, as supermarkets pay 0% on their food and drink.

As a result of this, JD Wetherspoons have decided to cut the price of their food by 7.5% on 20/09/17. The idea behind the discount is to show the public how much cheaper food and drink in restaurants and pubs would be if the VAT was lowered.

You don’t need any vouchers or discount codes to get this money off – it’s applied to your bill automatically!

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