Haven Holiday On a Payment Plan

Did you know you can get a Haven holiday on a payment plan?

Book your holiday now for next year and pay only £30 a month!

When you book a holiday with Haven, you have always been able to pay your deposit and pay it off in 3 lump sums. a year or two ago they started to allow you to pay monthly instalments but not many people know about this.

The payment is taken straight from your bank account on the 1st of each month so you don’t need to remember to pay.

I prefer this option as I always find something else to spend my money on in the months between payments so it means having to get a few hundred pound together out of one pay, which can leave you short believe me!

Many holidays cost around £20 – £30 a month depending on the duration of your holiday and grade of your caravan. 
Click here to visit Haven and book next years holiday… 

There are so many locations to choose from across the UK. I have only visited Berwick and Blue Dolphin Haven site, are there any others you would highly recommend?

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