Help With School Uniform Costs

Help With School Uniform Costs

Not everyone is entitled to this help though…

I think school uniforms are expensive and it takes a lot of shopping around to find the best deals.

I often shop in the sales in October – November time when school uniforms are being reduced.  You can often pick up uniform for only a fraction of the cost and I buy it in the next size up as well as the size above that too.

It usually comes in handy the following term and sometimes can do for the following year if you’re child hasn’t had much of a growth spurt.

It may be worth looking into seeing if you’re entitled to the school uniform grant, especially if you’re struggling with the cost of uniforms.

My  husband and I are both lucky enough to work but even we  struggle with the price of school uniforms.

Having 2 children in primary school makes things a little easier as we can buy plain supermarket uniform but our eldest child who is in high school needs branded school items which cost an absolute bomb!

Please take a moment to answer these 2 questions about school uniform as I’d love to know what others think about the cost of school uniforms.

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To find out if you can qualify and get more information just click here

Do you think uniform should be widely available to bring down the cost?

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