How To Get Out Of Your Vodafone Contract

Do you know someone with a Vodafone contract? 

Point them this way as I show you how to get out of your Vodafone contract early…

Vodafone are making some changes to their pricing. But because these changes will increase your monthly bill by more than the Retail Price Index (RPI 0.9%), you’re entitled to end your agreement without charge. Perfect if you are currently with Vodafone and unhappy or maybe you just want to switch from contract to PAYG…

This is not for every Vodafone customer but it applies for a lot of them. In the article I read it said ”This information only applies if you received a text from us directing you here. If you’ve received this information from anyone else, the details shown here don’t apply to you.” But I have heard from a few people saying they heard about this without receiving a text and when they called Vodafone customer services, they were told they were actually affected!

Worth giving Vodafone a call and seeing if you can leave your contract because of the price rises.

If you decide to do leave, you need to write to Vodafone before 28 July 2015 at Vodafone Limited, The Connection, Newbury, Berkshire, RG14 2FN.

I have heard different things regarding the handsets. Some people have been told they can keep the handset with no extra charge and others have been asked to pay towards the handset.

Let me know how you get on and remember to pass this on 🙂

Click here to visit Vodafone and read the full article…

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1 Comment
  1. Thank you Ashleigh!!!!
    I’ve been with Vodafone since January 2015. Never get a signal and I just hate it.
    I didn’t receive a text telling me about the changes, but spoke to someone on Vodafone chat and it turns out I’m affected and can cancel!!!
    So pleased. Am writing my cancellation letter as we speak and will soon be free from this pain lol!!

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