Inappropriate clothing for children from TK Maxx?

Inappropriate clothing for children from TK Maxx?

What do you think?

Rita Whyte took to Facebook to vent her anger at TK Maxx at the ‘inappropriate’ clothing being sold in their stores for children.

”Just wondering if you really think this is appropriate for a two-year-old to wear? It’s on sale in Pavilions. I’m all for fashionable clothes, don’t get me wrong, but this is just a step too far. I know I could just walk past and ignore it, but I saw it twice! And I only checked ages 2-3. One in grey, one in white. I’m not saying that parents shouldn’t put it on their child, each parent has the right to decide what to put on their own child, but does this really promote a positive body image or non-sexualisation of females?”

The tops show model, Kate Moss, with just a camera covering her breasts.

Inappropriate clothing for children from TK Maxx?

Rita got a lot of support on her Facebook post with some of the comments reading;

”It’s a no from me – just wrong”

”Very weird and uncomfortable to think of a two-year-old wearing that.”

”OMG disgusting!”

TK Maxx have commented: “We take such matters very seriously and will look into this immediately.”

Inappropriate clothing for children from TK Maxx?

What do you think of these T-shirts? Let me know over on my Facebook page.

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