Is Greece safe to go to or should you cancel your holiday?

Is Greece safe to go to or should you cancel your holiday?

If you are planning on travelling to Greece over the next couple of weeks, then you may of been paying close attention to the negative press the country has been receiving due to the current financial crisis. 

Although some holidaymakers may be put off by the media coverage there really is no need to be. The Greek Tourism Ministry says it does not anticipate any inconvenience in visitors’ holiday experiences either in the islands or in mainlands and there are adequate fuel supplies, products and services.

Deputy Minister for Tourism Elena Kountouram said: ”Greece still is and will always be a favourite destination for holidaymakers. Visitors currently in Greece, as well as people planning to visit Greece will not be affected by the latest developments and they can continue to enjoy their holiday in Greece without any problems whatsoever.”

Most tour operators are setting up systems where its customers can draw out money from its reps in resorts secured against credit or debit cards, but as long as travellers prepare by taking plenty of cash with them, they shouldn’t be at any risk whatsoever so at this stage there isn’t any need to cancel holidays to Greece.

The Foreign Commonwealth Office have advised: While banks are closed in Greece and some withdrawals are limited, make sure you take sufficient euros in cash to cover the duration of your stay, emergencies, unforeseen circumstances and any unexpected delays. You should take appropriate security precautions against theft. There are currently no restrictions on taking unspent euros out of Greece at the end of your stay.’

Can I Cancel My Holiday?

Of course if you really don’t feel comfortable with going to Greece anymore then you can always cancel, however unless the Foreign Office changes its advice to advise people not to go there, then your tour operator or airline will charge you for any changes you make. You could even end up still paying the full 100%.

CLICK HERE to find out what changes airlines have made to cabin baggage allowance.

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