Join a grocery hunting smart pack to save money!

Join a grocery hunting smart pack to save money!

Every food store, from the corner shop to the mini-supermarket and the big superstores, all have reduced goods on offer at the end of their aisles and damaged goods sections. While it is impractical to visit every one to grab the best bargains, if you and your friends club together, you can form a small and efficient hunting team. That way, between you, you can clear the shelves of the best and most useful items, to be shared among yourselves. 

Not only does this save time and money, but it also becomes a fun social group and something of a challenge to see who gets the best deals. Communicating either by social media, the phone or a private forum, your team should begin by locating all the nearby stores and deciding who visits which one, and when.

Since most stores reduce their items at the end of the day, evening visits are preferable. Then, when the time is right, your team pounces into action and sees what’s on offer. A quick burst of messaging will tell everyone what offers each store has, and people can pick and choose what they need. Since most stores have many of the same items reduced at once, there is often more than enough to go around.

Finally, everyone meets up and exchanges goods, and figures out how much they have saved. Just remember to play fair and not keep all the best deals for yourself. You may just start out with a couple of stores and one or two friends, but as with couponing and extreme saving, it can soon grow to cover a wider area with more people.

From perfectly good fruit and veg, to meat that has reached its sell-by date but still has plenty of use-by time, as well as canned goods that are a bit dented and plenty of cheap bakeries, there is a world of food that a small team can acquire and share at huge savings, and once you know the local patterns, this can become as regular as a local shop, but without the big bill at the end.

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