Junk food advertising to children being reviewed!

Junk food advertising to children being reviewed!

It has been announced that a public consultation will be launched next year to consider whether rules should be introduced on the advertisement on unhealthy foods and drinks targetted at children for the first time.

It will then be decided by the Committee of Advertising Practice whether advertising junk foods to children will be banned from the press, billboards and poster sites.

The aim is to ultimately control the way food and drinks high in fat should be marketed to children.

The Guardian reports: ‘Last year, there were 13,477 complaints about 10,202 digital ads in the UK. Under existing CAP rules, food and soft drink ads must not condone poor nutritional habits or an unhealthy lifestyle in children.

In addition, The use of celebrities and licensed characters are banned from junk food ads targeting younger children, and ads are not allowed to encourage “pester power”.’

The public consultation will launch in early 2016.

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