Like to treat yourself to a take-away at the end of a long week? If you frequently use the app ‘Just Eat’, you may be annoyed to hear that the company are now introducing a surcharge on ALL payments!
Sometimes, annoying as it is, when you pay for something by card, you can expect to be asked to pay an extra surcharge fee, which many businesses issue to cover the cost of processing card payments. Which was the case with fast-food middle men Just Eat, up until the 8th of January.
However, just days before the government are set to make it illegal for businesses to have surcharges on card payments, Just Eat have decided to introduce a 50p service fee across all payments…including cash!
Businesses that are found to break the new law may face huge fines worth thousands, but Just Eat have reportedly said that their new charge across all orders was about trying to make things fairer for all customers.
When ordering through the app, the customer is able to choose their payment method of paying by card via the app, or in person when it is later delivered. However the company has decided to now add the surcharge on to your bill before the order is placed, so it is an unavoidable charge.
Many customers have been annoyed to hear about the additional 50p charge and have tweeted the take-away company to ask for answers, Just Eat said…
Will the extra service charge make you think twice about making a future order on the app?