Learn A New Skill With Virtual College

Learn A New Skill With Virtual College

It’s never too late to learn a new skill and with online courses, it has got even easier. Going back to college can be difficult for some so online courses take the stress out of that so you can learn when you want at a speed that is good for you. Whether you’re unwell and can’t get out the house right now or you’re a full-time parent and you would struggle with child care, this could be perfect for you.

All of the courses with Virtual College can be accessed on many electrical devices so accessing your course should be no problem at all. You can track your progress online as you go along.

There are over 2 million students studying with Virtual College so you know you’re in safe hands and on the right track to a new career or skill.

Do I have to pay full price?

Obviously, I have managed to negotiate a discount on the courses to help you guys out, who wants to pay full price?

I’m not sure which course to do

There are so many courses you can do through Virtual College so I’m not surprised you’re struggling! Do you have something in mind that you have always wanted to do? Maybe you want to learn a skill which could involve you being able to work from home so you can bring up the kids too? I have put together some of their top courses for some inspiration for you…

Food Safety and Hygiene

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Do you fancy working in the food industry? Whether you got a part-time job in a local cafe, you went to work in a high-end restaurant or you started making cakes at home, you would need a food safety and hygiene certificate so this could be a great course to start you off.

First Aid: The Primary Survey

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Would you know what to do in the event of an accident? Whether you decide to take this first aid course to add to your CV for work or you took it for your own peace of mind in case they kid’s had an accident, it’s well worth doing. You never know when this skill could be put to use and you could just save someone’s life!

Awareness of Child Abuse and Neglect Core

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This is quite a sad one but a very helpful course to take. If you decide you want to go down the route of looking after children, whether that be as a classroom assistant, teacher or even a childminder, it is helpful to know the signs of child abuse and neglect. You could make sure you get those children out of that harmful situation and to safety.

Consumer Contracts Distance Sales

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Many people think it is so easy to set up their own business from home but they don’t realise the rules, contracts and regulations they have to comply with. with the Consumer Contracts Distance Sales course, you will learn everything you need to know about setting up a business that specialises in distance selling.

An Introduction to Welding Safety

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Perhaps you want to get into welding? This course will teach you all about the four main types of welding, appropriate protective equipment, safety tips relating to the work area, equipment, fumes and ventilation and confined spaces and first aid. There are no entry requirements for this course so if you fancy learning a new skill or a career change then this is perfect.

An Introduction to Social Media for Business

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There is no denying that the strongest point of any business now is a good social media page. We are always on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc and the more a business is interactive the more we notice and remember them. Lots of businesses recruit people solely to take care of their social media, so if you like the idea of being paid to spend the day on Facebook then this career could be for you.

Customer Care

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No matter what job you do, at some point you’ll come into contact with customers and having the right kind of customer care is crucial. If you want customers to return and recommend you to friends and family then you need to make sure your customer care is spot on. By taking the Customer Care course you can add this to your CV so employers know you have been trained in it and you stand a better chance of securing a job.

Fire Safety

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Fire Safety is important and a good skill to have whether you put it to use at work or home. By having a Fire Safety qualification on your CV you are demonstrating to your future employer just how much you care about the safety of everyone on your team.

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