Letting your baby nap in car seats could be deadly!

Letting your baby nap in car seats could be deadly!

Guys, do you let your baby nap in their car seat, swing or baby bouncer? If the answer is yes then experts have said this could potentially be a deadly move!

Apparently, research now shows that allowing a baby to fall asleep in the car seat could lead to a high risk of strangulation and suffocation, especially if your child is aged under two!

As a result, it has now been advised that children and babies are not left unsupervised when using a sitting or carrying device due to the high risks. It has also been stated that despite popular belief, the design of the infant sitting and carrying devices are not intended for for unsupervised sleeping.


Although it is highly unlikely a child could be in danger when they are strapped in correctly, if the harnesses aren’t attached properly at the bottom, they could slip down whilst sleeping which could then lead to the body straps being pressed against their necks which of course could have horrible consequences!

There have been quite a few cases of this terrible event occurring in past years which is what lead to this study being carried out in the first place. And remember it’s not just car seats, this applies to slings, bouncers, pushchairs and anywhere else where children can manoeuvre themselves in dangerous positions around straps.


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