Is our make up doing more harm than good?

Is our make up doing more harm than good?

We could be risking making ourselves seriously ill…

Go and take a look at your make up collection – Ok, no how long have you had your oldest cosmetic?

A study by beauty company LiB Group found that a fifth of women hoard their cosmetics for more than five years, putting them at risk of blood poisoning, urine infections and gastroenteritis – a stomach condition which causes vomiting and diarrhoea.

  • Did you know your mascara should be replaced every 3 months once opened?
  • Cleaner should be used or discarded within 6 month of opening
  • We should only keep lipsticks for a year – I’m pretty sure I have one I have had one for 2/3 year!

The survey of 5,000 women was carried out after scientists at London Metropolitan University found that old cosmetic products can contain unsafe levels of potentially lethal bacteria.

A team of researchers tested five common beauty products which had passed their expiry date, including a blusher, foundation and lip gloss.

Microbiologist Paul Matewele from the London Metropolitan University confirmed the shocking test results. Paul said ”All the old make-up products of foundation, lip gloss and lipstick tested positive for Enterococcus faecalis under strict laboratory tests. Enterococcus faecalis is the potentially deadly strain of bacteria which causes meningitis and Septicaemia and is one of the biggest killers for newborn babies.”

There is also a risk of illness when we don’t clean our make up brushes regularly. I remember having a conversation about this last year with some of the girls in the office – not everyone cleaned their make up brushes yet I couldn’t go a few days without washing mine as I found they were pretty much unusable because they were too clogged with make-up to do anything with.

Have you checked out Superdrugs MUA brand? They have some bargain make up which is fantastic quality. They also do a great brush cleaning spray. Click here to head to Superdrug… 

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