McDonalds Secret Menu Revealed!

McDonalds Secret Menu Revealed!

Have any of you heard the rumours about a secret McDonalds menu? Well I’d heard people talking about it before but never really taken much notice. Now however, the secret menu has managed to make the headlines after a worker has confirmed Its existence.

A McDonalds worker took to Reddit to reveal that you can order items that don’t actually appear on the menu.

The anonymous worker wrote: ‘You can order from the ‘Secret Menu’. The items on the ‘secret menu’ weren’t invented by anyone officially at McDonald’s, it’s just a random persons guide to burgers you could potentially ‘hack’ at McDonald’s.’ 

The worker goes on to say: ‘Order one and the workers might not know it by name (i.e. Land, Air and Sea burger) but if you explain what it is, and are willing to pay for all the ingredients, it’s just another ‘grill order’ that we can make up.’

Other tasty treats include the McLeprechaun Shake, a chocolate and mint concoction only available in March, and the cheaper and lower calorie Poor Man’s Big Mac.

The 24-year-old worker from Scotland also warned customers who are trying to eat healthily to stay away from the ‘healthy option’ menu as they would be surprised what actually goes into them. Deep fried chicken goes into the wraps, the veggie burgers are deep fried and she even says the salad dressings are filled with rubbish.

A spokeswoman for McDonalds has since made a statement saying that they do not have a secret menu at McDonalds UK, however there’s nothing to stop you from ordering the individual items that make up some of the secret specials, as the duo in this video have done.

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