
New government rules are issued for lunchbox inspections!

New government rules are issued for lunchbox inspections! A few weeks ago I wrote an article about teachers taking the confiscation of unhealthy foods too far by confiscating cereal bars and dried fruit, however, it looks as if the rules on this are only getting tighter due to new government regulations. Education minister Lord Nash […]

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Crystal meth found in Kinder Egg

Crystal meth found in Kinder Egg That really was a surprise egg! Two brothers from the Drumachose area of Belfast, opened the Kinder Surprise egg they found hidden in a hedge, and it contained a bag of white powder. Luckily they were smart enough to hand the package to their dad who then passed it […]

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Morrisons Recall

Packs of salmon skewers recalled amid fears for people with lactose intolerance. Morrisons has recalled its packs of ‘4 salmon skewers in a BBQ dressing’ and has warned anyone allergic to milk not to eat the skewers. The packaging used on the product doesn’t mention milk as an allergen – so anybody with lactose intolerance […]

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School bans energy drinks

School bans energy drinks Good move from the school or should the teenagers be able to choose what they want to drink? Headteacher Melvyn Lynch of Forfar Academy in Angus, Scotland has banned the high caffine energy drinks in his school. Any student seen drinking a can of fizz such as Red Bull, Monster, and Rock […]

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How to reclaim if your train is cancelled due to bad weather

How to reclaim if your train is cancelled due to bad weather Apparently there is heavy rainfall on the way which may affect train travel. If your train is cancelled due to the weather then here is a handy guide on how to claim compensation. I know how annoying this can be if you need […]

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Newborn babies in Scotland to be tested for alcohol

Newborn babies in Scotland to be tested for alcohol This comes as concerns grow for the number of women drinking alcohol during pregnancy Newborn babies in Scotland are going to be tested for alcohol following concern that expectant mothers are drinking too much while pregnant. Experts at the Princess Royal Maternity Hospital in Glasgow have […]

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Giant hogweed warning! What to do if you come into contact!

Giant hogweed warning! What to do if you come into contact! You may remember this from last year, however a fresh warning has now been issued. You may have seen the unbelievable story circulating social media and even the national newspapers regarding a 10 year old girl who suffered third degree burns after picking up […]

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How Clean Is Your Takeaway?

How clean is your takeaway? I have known about Scores On The Doors for a while but I didn’t know about the app until recently. I don’t order a takeaway without checking this first, it’s nice to know the takeaway I am ordering from is clean and following food hygiene practises. Basically, Scores On The […]

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Stop nuisance calls to your mobile with a text

Stop nuisance calls to your mobile with a text This is perfect for those who are sick of the PPI and accident claims companies calling them From today, mobile phone users can now send a text message to opt out of nuisance calls. The new “text-to-register” service allows mobile phone users to add their phone […]

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Council to spend more than £12,000 on smart phones

Council to spend more than £12,000 on smart phones This move by Newcastle City Council isn’t going down well at all, even I am extremely annoyed. See why here… Newcastle City Council have confirmed it will be buying smartphones for 50 traffic wardens priced at £250, making a total of £12,500. The smartphones will replace obsolete […]

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The £97million cost of calling HMRC

The £97million cost of calling HMRC It has been revealed that taxpayers lost £97million calling HMRC last year alone The National Audit Office has revealed that during 2015 and 2016 taxpayers forced to hang on to phone calls, whilst trying to speak to HM Revenue and Customs lost a total of £97 million. This is […]

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Thomas Cook cabin crew to strike

Thomas Cook cabin crew to strike This could affect thousands of holidays… Thomas Cook have voted to strike after a row about ‘dangerous’ rest breaks. The airline has reduced its cabin crew’s breaks to one 20-minute rest for every 11 hours and 59 minutes worked. The break allocation is said to be the minimum allowed in […]

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Asda Children Slippers Recall

Asda Children Slippers Recall Asda are recalling all sizes of Paw Patrol theme children slippers. There is a problem where the heel of the slippers detaches from the rest of the slipper. This could a dangerous as it could make it the child unsteady whilst walking in them, possibly causing them to fall and potentially […]

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The List Of Most And Least Well Behave Children’s Names

The List Of Most And Least Well Behave Children’s Names Data collected by ‘School Stickers’. School Stickers are a business who supply schools with stickers, postcards and certificates in order to praise their students for being well behaved and various achievements. They analysed over 70,000 childrens school reports from over 10,000 schools to find the […]

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