
You can now post your items sold on eBay via Argos

You can now post your items sold on Ebay via Argos Do you sell old things on eBay but find it inconvenient posting them out? Well things just got a whole lot easier! You can now use Argos to post items that you’ve sold on eBay. It will be faster, safer and a lot more […]

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Ikea safety warning after another fatal accident.

Ikea safety warning after another fatal accident. This is horrible news this morning but there has been a safety warning after it is revealed that another toddler has been crushed to death by a set of their drawers. There have previously been two other children killed by the same range of furniture in the past. […]

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Inappropriate clothing for children from TK Maxx?

Inappropriate clothing for children from TK Maxx? What do you think? Rita Whyte took to Facebook to vent her anger at TK Maxx at the ‘inappropriate’ clothing being sold in their stores for children. ”Just wondering if you really think this is appropriate for a two-year-old to wear? It’s on sale in Pavilions. I’m all for […]

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Read this before buying Nurofen again!

Read this before buying Nurofen again! It has been revealed that Brits are paying 567% more for big brand medications for no reason at all. Nurofen, Lemsip, Clarityn and Centrum cost almost five times as much as supermarket and chemists’ own brands despite being exactly as effective at treating pain, hayfever and colds according to The […]

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Apparently children with this trait will be more successful

Apparently children with this trait will be more successful I know having a little one who talks back to you can be frustrating at times, but try not to get too stressed because new research suggests that children who talk back could actually be more successful. It may be easy for us to lose our […]

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How to get unlimited fries at McDonalds from the future.

How to get unlimited McDonalds Fries Are you as much of a McDonalds fan as I am? If so then you might feel that large or even super size fries just aren’t enough to satisfy your needs. Well that’s fine, because McDonalds have announced that somewhere in the not so distant future, there will be […]

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Hot Point and Indesit Electrical Warning

You all heard about the tumble dryer fire warning a few month ago Now Hot Point have issued more warnings… The Hot Point and Indesit electrical warnings come only weeks after thousands of you were affected by the tumble dryer warnings. I had even heard from some of you who’s tumble dryers had set alight, […]

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Glass found in Cow & Gate formula milk

Glass found in Cow & Gate formula milk Glass-like fragments found in 12 week olds formula milk Scott Broughton and Bethany Benson bought their 12-week-old daughter her regular 900g Cow & Gate formula milk from a Savers store in Grimsby. Dad Scott said: “We’d had the milk for about a week. There wasn’t a lot left […]

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We will soon be fined £70 for this parking trick!

We will soon be fined £70 for this parking trick! How many of you drivers tend to pull up on the curb when parking? I know I do, but apparently we could soon be fined for doing so. The rule already exists in London and anybody who breaks it is fined £70. Although the new […]

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Children at events – should there be a shuffle in seats?

Children at events – should there be a shuffle in seats? Should there be special seating plans for children going to concerts, cinema and theatre? We pay a lot of money to take our children to their favourite events and a lot of the time their viewing is restricted and it spoils the experiance for […]

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Child Rescue Alerts

Child Rescue Alerts Register now, it could save a child’s life… After the terrible story in the news lately about the 2 year old girl who was kidnapped from a Primark store by 2 teenagers, I wondered if there ware any alert systems in place for finding missing children. It is a parents worst nightmare […]

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Apple finally reveals iPhones lifespan

Apple finally reveals iPhones lifespan We have been waiting years to hear this… Apple has finally revealed that its expensive iPhones are expected to keep on working for just three years. Apple made its confession as part of a new drive to show off its green credentials. It also discussed the lifespan of the Apple Watch, […]

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Sainsbury’s and Muller recalling children’s yogurts

Sainsbury’s and Muller recalling children’s yogurts There has been another product recall over the weekend which I know might affect quite a few of you. The Food Standards Agency has ordered the recall of Sainsbury’s and Muller children’s yogurts after fears they contained bits of blue plastic.  Sainsbury’s are recalling their Strawberry Fromage Frais Pouches, […]

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Thousands of children set to miss out on Primary School places.

Thousands of children set to miss out on Primary School places. It has been reported in the news today that a shocking number of families are bracing themselves for disappointment when it comes to finding out where their four-year-olds will be going to Primary School. It’s a big day today for over 600,000 families today […]

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