
Cafe offers free cups of tea to breastfeeding mothers

Cafe offers free cups of tea to breastfeeding mothers It is doing amazingly well in Australia, should it be introduced here in the UK? The Willows café in Willoughby in Sydney, Australia is making life a little easier for new mam’s. A sign hangs in the front of the cafe which invites new mothers to come […]

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Have Argos taken money from your bank account?

Have Argos taken money from your bank account? *Update – This seems to have happened to many of you over the past few days, check your bank account now! I got this message earlier today… ”Hi Ashleigh, I don’t know if you are aware of this situation but I have just been affected by it. […]

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Asda driver reveals filthy delivery vans

Asda driver reveals filthy delivery vans This is not what you want to see if you have your grocery shopping delivered from Asda A driver who is employed by supermarket giant Asda has revealed the dirty conditions found in their vans. The employee, who would like to remain anonymous, told Mirror Online: “The hygiene of […]

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Mother and baby locked in Mothercare after staff leave

Mother and baby locked in Mothercare after staff leave How scary must this have been?! Is it just me or have we all thought about which shop we would like to be locked in for the night? I can’t decide between a supermarket so I can eat my way through everything with a bottle of […]

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Product Recall Sainsbury’s children’s toy.

Product Recall Sainsbury’s children’s toy. Have you purchased a children’s toy from Sainsbury’s lately? If so then you might want to read this as they have just issued a recall. Sainsbury’s posted this notice:‘ We are recalling this product as a precautionary measure having identified a potential safety issue. If you have purchased this product, […]

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Wedding Co-Ordinator hits out at Bride To Be

Wedding Co-Ordinator hits out at Bride To Be If you’ve been on Facebook today then the chances are you’ll have seen somebody either sharing or reacting to a bride-to-be’s post she posted in a closed group. The closed group is intended for Brides and brides to be to talk between themselves about wedding-related issues, but one bride to […]

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Do you think your boss is underpaying you? Know your rights.

Do you think your boss is underpaying you? Know your rights. The national minimum wage is set to rise next year, but we know that some employers still try and avoid paying their workers the full amount. David Cameron has now announced that employers avoiding paying their staff the new national minimum wage could be […]

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Thousands of children’s costumes being recalled.

Thousands of children’s costumes being recalled. Ikea are recalling thousands of their Batman-style capes due to a ‘strangulation risk’ as three children have already been hurt. Do you have a little one at home who has a Batman costume from the store? If so parents are being urged to return them to store immediately for […]

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Law on microchipping changes today, What you need to know.

Law on microchipping dogs changes today, What everything you need to know. Did you know that from today, microchipping will be a compulsory law for all dogs in England. Well don’t worry if you’ve been caught off guard with this news because here I have everything dog owners need to know about the new law. […]

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Was this man right to blast Vue Cinema after this trip?

Was this man right to blast Vue Cinema after this trip? Can anyone else remember the days when a trip to the cinema used to only set you back £5? I’m sure when I was a kid it used to be a ‘cheap’ way to fill in a Saturday afternoon, but those days are long […]

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Spices and Powder’s recalled due to salmonella presence.

Spices and Powder’s recalled due to salmonella presence. One of the UK’s leading spice companies has been forced to issue an urgent recall as It’s revealed that there is a presence of salmonella. Jeera (Cumin) Powder and Dhania (Coriander) Powder is being taken from shelves as it could be potentially harmful to customers after the […]

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The end of our cheap petrol!

The end of our cheap petrol! The price of our petrol has been a hot topic over the past few months as prices recently hit an all-time low. And nobody was complaining. But now it seems as though we can say goodbye to those days of cheap fuel. Last month we seen a 3p rise […]

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Do you know your consumer rights?

Do you know your consumer rights? They have recently changed so you will be forgiven if you don’t… In October 2015, Consumer rights changed which gave us more power if things went wrong with purchase we made. What exactly changed? What can you do if something you buy is faulty? Find out the answers to […]

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The old VHS tapes now worth a fortune

The old VHS tapes now worth a fortune Can anybody else remember a time when we had to sit for hours rewinding VHS tapes just to watch a film from the beginning? Long before we had DVD’s and HD televisions. But how many of you still have old video tapes lying around in your house? […]

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