
Do You Struggle To Buy New School Uniforms?

Did you know you could be eligible for financial help from your local council when buying school uniforms? Do you struggle to make ends meet when buying your kids’ new school uniforms? You could be entitled to help from your local council depending on your circumstances. Eligibility will depend on each council but ordinarily they […]

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School Sports Guide – Back To School Week

Whether your little one loves or hates school sports (we all dreaded PE lessons), you still need to get them kitted out ahead of the new term starting! There are some great bargains to be found, just take a look… F&F at Tesco 2 Pack Sports Shorts – £3 £3 for two pairs of shorts? What […]

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School Accessories Guide – Back To School Week

The basics of a school uniform such as the trousers and polo shirts are relatively easy to buy, it’s when the school accessories come in that things get complicated! Kids can get fussy when it comes to school bags and stationery, but there’s so much on offer these days that you’re sure to find something that […]

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New GCSE Number Grades – Everything You Need To Know

This summer kids all across the country will be receiving the new GCSE number grades instead of the traditional letter scores – but what do these new grades actually mean? Here’s how to decode the modernised system. First it was O-Levels, then we got used to the A*-U letter scores, and now a whole new […]

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You Can Be PROSECUTED For Taking Your Child On Holiday During Term Time

Parents who take their children out of school during term time for a family holiday can be prosecuted, the Supreme Court ruled today. Unless you get written permission from the headteacher of your child’s school before the holiday, you risk being landed a hefty fine of £60, which rises further to £120 if unpaid after […]

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Why I am boycotting school photos

Why I am boycotting school photos After posting about this on Facebook it seems as though I’m not the only one – please support me if you agree with this, numbers speak volume and we need to make a stand… Just a quick note before I start, this is not a swipe at schools as […]

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Holiday Hunger, Children Go Hungry When Not At School

Have you heard of holiday hunger? Some children go hungry when they’re not at school And teachers are calling for a change. A quarter of all teachers are calling for holiday breakfast or lunch clubs for pupils to give needy children one decent meal a day. Some hard up families can’t afford to give their […]

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How to take the expense out of school uniforms

How to take the expense out of school uniforms I am very proud to say my friend has come up with this genius idea and it is going down a storm here in Newcastle upon Tyne… Charlene Paterson is a Mam of 3 so she knows just how expensive school uniforms can be and the […]

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School Uniform Price Comparison

So many supermarkets and stores sell school uniform now, making our lives easier. The question on everyones lips is ‘where is the cheapest to buy’? Hopefully, my school uniform price comparison will help. I have scoured so many websites to try and find you the best value uniform. I know only too well how expensive […]

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How a digital shutdown can help your child concentrate at school

How a digital shutdown can help your child concentrate at school The digital takeover has well and truly arrived. Most children will possess a smartphone, tablet, laptop or desktop computer, and in many cases, they will use each of these at least once a day. Digital devices such as these can be helpful when used […]

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How to prepare your child for starting school

How to prepare your child for starting school Most parents in Britain now know which primary schools their children will be attending and, for many of us, this has thrown into stark focus the reality of sending our babies off into the big bad world. It can feel daunting enough for us adults; just imagine […]

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Help With School Uniform Costs

Help With School Uniform Costs Not everyone is entitled to this help though… I think school uniforms are expensive and it takes a lot of shopping around to find the best deals. I often shop in the sales in October – November time when school uniforms are being reduced.  You can often pick up uniform […]

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