Money Saving Tips

What is matched betting and is it worth it? (sponsored post)

What is matched betting and is it worth it? Matched betting is fast becoming one of the most popular ways to make money online with tens of thousands of people earning over £500 per month turning bookmaker bonuses into risk-free cash. The technique involves earning free bets at no, or very little, cost and making […]

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Money Saving Tips

Where To Get Help With Debt In The UK

Where to get help with debt in the UK The following agencies are all free to keep the extra expenses down. Being in debt is scary and it is very easy to bury your head in the sand and hope the problem goes away. Unfortunately, it doesn’t. The problem gets worse and you could end […]

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Money Saving Tips

Dealing With Damp In Your Property

Are you fed up with dealing with damp in your property? How should you tackle it to help minimise it? My first home was riddled with damp, not only does it look awful but it can make you ill. My son had Asthma, I can’t be sure that the damp made it worse but I’m sure […]

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Money Saving Tips

Top Tips For Saving Money In The Run Up To Christmas

We all want to save money in the run up to Christmas. For some people it isn’t just a want, they NEED to save money So here are my top tips for saving money in the run up to Christmas. Whether you want to make your money go further or you have a special occasion […]

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Money Saving Tips

How to know if a website is a scam

How to know if a website is a scam We are all worried incase we fall victim to scammers while shopping online. There are ways to prevent this from happing and my 3 top tips should help you keep yourself safe online… Never give out your bank/card details when requesting a free sample. This kind […]

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Money Saving Tips

Clear Score Free Credit Report

I can never say this enough, don’t ever pay a subscription for your credit report. Clear score free credit report is fantastic. I have always recommended Noddle when it came to checking your credit score for free but I have recently came across Clear Score and they give a more in-depth report. It is super […]

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gift cards

Have you tried the Zeek App Yet?

Finally there’s a place you can get value out of those unused gift cards! If your family is anything like mine with every Christmas and birthday will come all manner of Gift Cards. Don’t get me wrong, I think gift cards are a more thoughtful alternative to just giving cash and I give them to […]

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Money Saving Tips

How To Do A Wedding On A Budget

Getting married isn’t cheap so I have put together my top tips for how to do a wedding on a budget Lets make your big day fabulous while watching the purse strings… The average wedding costs £20,983!  I have been doing some research while putting this guide together and have seen statements from a lot […]

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How To Cut Your Childcare Costs To The Absolute Minimum

How To Cut Your Childcare Costs To The Absolute Minimum I read a report recently that said parents have been splashing out more on childcare recently than they have been on their mortgages! Apparently families are paying 27% more than they were in 2009 which is a massive increase. Now I know how important finding […]

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Money Saving Tips

FAQ’s With Ashleigh Money Saver…

Hey! I am Ashleigh and I thought I would take some time out and answer my frequently asked questions. Hopefully this will get you well on your way to saving £££’s FAQ’s with Ashleigh Money Saver… How do I submit a bargain I have found? You can submit a deal you find on our website on […]

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Money Saving Tips

My Top 7 Tips for School Uniform

My Top 7 Tips for School Uniform Where is best for value or quality? Let me know your thoughts… If your children are like mine then their school uniform is starting to look a little worse for wear and are starting to grow out of it. They have less than 2 month left at school […]

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Money Saving Tips

Which Class Is The Cheapest Way To Travel By Train?

So, my question today is… Which class is the cheapest way to travel by train? I bet the majority of you thinking standard is always cheaper… But you will be surprised! The cheapest time to book your train travel is 12 weeks in advance. The ticket prices are much cheaper at this point but they […]

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Money Saving Tips

How To Save Money On Maternity Wear

Trying to find an outfit to fit when you’re pregnant is difficult, the price of maternity wear is pretty steep too However, I have got my top tips to let you know how to save money on maternity wear I actually find the price of good quality maternity wear pretty steep, especially when you are […]

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