Money Saving

How To Avoid Over Priced Groceries At The Supermarket

Want to know how to avoid over priced groceries at the supermarket? Supermarkets are sneaky and will do anything for you to spend an extra pound. Supermarkets always want to squeeze as much money as possible from you but I will show you some of their tricks so you know what to look out for […]

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Imaginary friends: should parents be concerned?

Imaginary friends: should parents be concerned? It can be quite a shock to parents when a new member of the family suddenly arrives; one who seems to deserve extra food treats, who takes the blame for all that’s wrong or who has to join in with every family outing. It marks the arrival of the […]

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5 top tips to help your child make friends

5 top tips to help your child make friends It’s every parent’s fear – their child is lonely and nobody wants to play with them. They seem to have no friends. While you can’t make friends for your children, you can support them in the process of friendship building. Here is some all-round parenting advice […]

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How to ensure your children are safe on their phone or tablet

How to ensure your children are safe on their phone or tablet The age at which children have access to a smartphone or tablet is dropping fast as they become a normal part of family life. Even games consoles – devices that parents think are safe such as the Nintendo 3DS and PlayStation Vita – […]

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How to cope with fussy eaters

How to cope with fussy eaters Whether this is ongoing or they are going through a faze, this should help make it a little easier. Whether children refuse specific types of foods or certain meals, fussy eating is a common occurrence amongst youngsters. For parents, mealtimes can turn into stressful affairs, and over time they […]

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How to get your children to sleep better

How to get your children to sleep better Getting children to go to bed and sleep through the night is one of the most common issues in parenting. Yet by following a few techniques and essential all round parenting advice, a good night’s sleep for your child needn’t be difficult to achieve. Here are some […]

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How to encourage your toddler to talk

How to encourage your toddler to talk My daughter could talk for England, she even talks in her sleep! She started talking pretty fast, whereas my son took a little longer to start talking. Every child develops at a different rate, and it’s easy to worry about when your toddler should be talking. If you’re […]

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Is Harry Potter Go on the way?

Is Harry Potter Go on the way? Harry Potter fans you may be in luck! Harry Potter fans are calling for their own version of the popular Pokemon Go. Pokemon Go allows you to use the GPS on your phone or tablet and you collect Pokemon characters. While not everyone is a fan, it does […]

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How a digital shutdown can help your child concentrate at school

How a digital shutdown can help your child concentrate at school The digital takeover has well and truly arrived. Most children will possess a smartphone, tablet, laptop or desktop computer, and in many cases, they will use each of these at least once a day. Digital devices such as these can be helpful when used […]

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The role of pocket money in teaching responsible money management

The role of pocket money in teaching responsible money management Debt is on the increase, and this generation of children is growing up with a different perspective on money than any preceding generation. Pay day loans, mortgage rates and credit cards are all part of daily advertising, and money is, apparently, readily available to meet […]

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How to make your kids supermarket superstars

How to make your kids supermarket superstars Very few parents relish the thought of heading out to the supermarket with young kids in tow. You can be as organised as you like, with your shopping list in your pocket, and your trolley coin ready for the ubiquitous wrestle to release the trolley, but if your […]

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Helping a child deal with bereavement

Helping a child deal with bereavement At some point in a child’s life, they’re likely to experience the death of a loved one, most usually a grandparent or a pet. Understanding death can be hard for a child, and how they react or cope often depends on their age. With all round parenting advice, support […]

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EXCLUSIVE: Travel Insurance voucher code

EXCLUSIVE: Travel Insurance voucher code Save money on your travel insurance with this fantastic voucher code… Are you going away this year? I highly recommend booking travel insurance. Should you fall ill or have an accident on holiday and need a major operation it could set you back thousands and thousands of pounds. In the […]

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