Monthly bin collections – are you affected?

Monthly bin collections – are you affected?

Some councils in the UK are to start monthly bin collections.

I currently get my green rubbish bin emptied every week but I know of surrounding areas where the collections are every fortnight.

However some councils are changing the bin collections in their area so your green rubbish bin will only be emptied once a month.

Research by ITV News has found that after trials began in Fife last year, more and more areas are seeing their rubbish collections cut to once every four weeks, or once every three.

While the decision in Fife was a controversial one, the idea caught on and councils who are trialing the move say that it is necessary to save money and meet environmental targets.

What do you think of this? Personally I think it is crazy! I recycle as much as I can and I may be able to stretch to the 2 week emptying like surrounding areas but THREE week collections are plain silly – the smell, the mess and not to mention the increase in fly tipping that’ll probably come with it. Why does our council tax keep going up when they’re making so many cuts?

Councils that will be switching to 3 week collections are;

  • Oldham Council will begin collecting bins every three weeks from October 3.
  • Argyll and Bute Council will begin collecting bins every three weeks from October 3.
  • East Renfrewshire Council will begin collecting bins every three weeks from October 3.
  • Isle of Anglesey County Council will begin collecting bins every three weeks from October 3.
  • North Devon Council will trial three weekly collections from April next year.

See the full story over at ITV.

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