Mother and baby locked in Mothercare after staff leave

Mother and baby locked in Mothercare after staff leave

How scary must this have been?!

Is it just me or have we all thought about which shop we would like to be locked in for the night? I can’t decide between a supermarket so I can eat my way through everything with a bottle of wine or Thorntons so I could put myself into a chocolate coma…

However this mother was probably not expecting to be locked in Mothercare

Monica Stoffers, had taken her 2 week old daughter Ella into the feeding room at the Plymouth branch in Drake Circus shopping centre, when suddenly the lights went out.

Posting about the event on Mothercare’s Facebook page, Monica said ”I managed to feel my way around to get my baby back in to her pram so I could find my way out of the room, once out (and very upset and distressed) I realised that every one had left and the store was completely shut,”

Monica tried to attract the attention of the shopping centre security guard by banging on the window, but she couldn’t make enough noise for him to hear so she made her way around to the shop door.

“I carried on banging with the alarms now going off too, my baby was hysterical at this point and so was I almost.”

Finally Monica managed to make enough noise to attract attention to herself and the security guard contacted a shop worker who let the distressed mother and daughter out, in which she received a very ‘limp’ apology.

Monica said ”I cannot believe this has happened and the staff that saw me enter the room did not come back to tell me they needed to shut the shop.”

Mothercare said in a statement ”Our store team provided comfort and support to a customer after they discovered she was inside the store as it was being closed. We appreciate that the whole experience must have been very upsetting for her.

“We will take the opportunity to ensure all our store teams have fully checked there are no customers in store at the time of closing, to avoid this happening again.”

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