Mum hires stripper for her sons 8th birthday

Mum hires stripper for her sons 8th birthday

Harmless fun or completely out of order?

Personally I think this is absolutely disgusting…

The 39-second video of a 8 year olds birthday party has been viewed over 260,000 times on YouTube.

The child is sat in a chair while the woman, in a pink bra and knickers, gyrates and straddles the birthday.

The stripper is shown “twerking” her bottom in the boy’s face as he throws money at her while rap music blares in the background.

Mum hires stripper for her sons 8th birthday

At one point the kid starts repeatedly slapping the dancer’s bottom as she shakes her behind, while other children are heard giggling in the background.

One  comment on the video said ”The mother should be put in jail and the stripper should be fined. Disgusting.”

I can’t understand why any parent would think this is an acceptable thing to do. What must his upbringing be like if she can do things like this for a birthday party?

Also, the stripper should have some common sense and know this is wrong?!

What are your thoughts? Have you ever been to an inappropriate child’s birthday party?

Mum hires stripper for her sons 8th birthday

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  1. So much wrongness, the mum is obviously ill in the head, and the stripper too was wrong for taking the booking. No 8 year old should be smacking ANYONES arse, that kid will be in jail before he’s fourteen…you can see it now. Just…so incredibly stupid. I would love to slap his mother, I truly would.

  2. Madness, what is that mother thinking????? for an 8 year old son not right at all, he shouldn’t know about things like that at his age, and he was throwing money at the stripper,. Where does he get that idea from? The stripper should have stopped in her tracks and told it was a CHILD only 8 years old that day. I have a 29 year old son, I wouldn’t do that for him. NO NO NO its so wrong.

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