Mum has been left sickened after finding this in her baby’s milk.

Mum has been left sickened after finding this in her baby’s milk.

A mother has been left absolutely disgusted after finding something horrifying in her baby’s milk.

This is truly shocking and completely unacceptable, but a Mother has been forced to lodge a complaint to Aptamil after finding a used plaster in her baby’s milk formula.

Michaela Tracey Nicholls, from London, says she was getting ready to feed her baby when she came across the blood-covered plaster.

Michaela told the Mirror: “I’m absolutely disgusted to say that I have found a dirty used plaster in my little boys pot of Aptamil.”

“And to top it off it’s actually been used and is covered with their blood.”

“I’ve rang and complained and they think they’re going to offer me Aptamil vouchers which isn’t good enough.

“My little boy’s whole tub of milk has been contaminated with some other person’s blood.”

“Just want everybody to see this and keep an eye out.

“This has made me feel sick to the stomach.”


People have been sharing the mother’s story on social media today and as you can imagine, everyone is just as shocked as I am.

A spokeswoman for Aptamil has now responded to the complaint saying:

“We were very concerned to hear about Ms Nicholls’ experience. We take the safety of our products very seriously and have immediately launched an investigation.

“We believe it is very unlikely that this happened at our factory due to the strict quality controls we have in place.

“We have checked our factory records and can confirm that all our quality controls tests were operating correctly at the time the milk was produced, which include sieving the formula just before it is packed and checking each carton with a very sensitive x-ray machine.

“We have not received any other complaints about this batch of milk and we’ve not had a complaint like this for as far back as our records go.”

I know this is a shocking post, however if you know somebody who uses this product then it may be worth spreading the word so they know to inspect their product.

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