Musclefood Release Statement After Product Recall

The founder of Musclefood has released a video statement regarding their product recall last week.

In the video, Darren Beale talks customers through the recall and why it was necessary.

Mr Beale has also released a statement on the Musclefood website:

“The team and I take our responsibilities incredibly seriously; and although on a daily basis we are offered products from a variety of suppliers we vet and choose our suppliers very carefully.

“In this case our supplier was a British Retail Consortium AA rated supplier; the highest rating you can achieve in the industry, with an excellent pedigree of supplying multinational companies. The moment they realised their mistake; they informed us and we informed you.

“They have let us down; and although the Muscle Food team quality check thousands of items every day; use some of the UK’s best known suppliers and care passionately about ensuring product quality – we have let you down too, sorry.

You putting your trust in Muscle Food is a huge honour for me and the team, and even just one precautionary recall compared to supermarkets’ hundreds a year, is one too many.”

The rest of the Musclefood team also commented on the recall:

“It would have been easy to have not done the right thing.

But that isn’t the Muscle Food way.

Instead we voluntarily did a precautionary recall; and was actively pursuing the Food Standards Agency to allows us to notify our customers sooner rather than later.

It would have been easy to have chosen a supplier with limited Food Safety accreditation and little regard for our customer’s health and safety.

But that isn’t the Muscle Food way.

Instead we chose a supplier who are British Retail Consortium AA accredited – a global standard for food safety. It wasn’t possible for us to have chosen a higher accreditation of supplier.

The Muscle Food way is putting our loyal customers first, always.

We believe we have done this by going above and beyond what is expected of us; by doing a voluntary recall, and refunding customers even if their products are within the 10 days shelf life advised by the FSA.

But that isn’t for us to judge, it is for our incredible customers to do.

Customers who had deliveries between 25th of January and 3rd of February could have been affected by the recall. Please visit:”

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