Netflix to Increase Their Prices As Of TOMORROW!

Netflix have announced a price increase for UK customers, and here is what that means for you!

Basic subscriptions will not feel the brunt of the 20% price hike, remaining at a flat £5. This package includes just standard definition, and to watch on one screen at a time.

Standard subscriptions will raise from £7.99 to £8.99. The £1 increase is the first price increase to the standard package since 2017 but if you think you can live without HD quality and the ability to watch on two screens at the same time, it might be worth cutting £3.99 off your bill by dropping to the basic subscription.

Premium subscriptions are increasing to £9.99 to £11.99. If you already have a premium subscription you probably need the Ultra HD, or the ability to watch 4 screens at the same time, but it’s so easy to let these subscriptions roll without examining them regularly.

With the new season of Black Mirror, Stranger Things, and Orange Is The New Black coming up, as well as a lot more documentaries and movies I’m dying to see, I think a 20% price hike isn’t enough to put me off.

What do you think? Will you be downgrading your package, cancelling Netflix, or seeing the price hike as well worth it? Let us know in the comments!

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