New ‘Tourist Tax’ Will Start Next Year!
Yes that’s right, there is another new tax coming our way and this time it will be added on to our holidays!
The first destination to lead the way with the charge will be the most expensive party Island itself ….. Ibiza.
The islands’ government has announced it will be introducing a ‘tourist tax’, meaning people will have to pay an extra €2 (£1.50) per person per day they’re on the island. The tax will begin from next summer and a fortnight’s holiday for four people will now add more than £80 to the cost as a result of the new tax!
It may sound ridiculous but it seems as though other popular holiday destinations are already considering cashing in on this idea, meaning that the ‘tourist tax’ could soon be the norm. And It’s hardly surprising seeing as though the government expects to pull in around €100 million a year from this tax alone.
Biel Barcelo, vice president of the Government of the Balaeric Islands, told Spanish paper that he knew the tax was unpopular but ‘times were changing’.
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