Nursery Nurse Suspended For Calling Children Names

A nursery nurse has been suspended for calling children names

She branded the children ‘w*****s’ and ‘a*******s’

I am absolutely disgusted at this, just as lots of young children are starting school and nursery for the first time, you would expect your children to be safe and looked after at school. 

Hayley Neeson, 18, from Airdrie in Scotland, took to Facebook to inform everyone about her poor first day back at work.

A NURSERY nurse who branded three-year-old children that she was paid to look after Ò w*****Ó and Òa********Ó on Facebook has been suspended from her job. Hayley Neeson, 18, from Airdrie took to Facebook to complain to her 2900 Facebook friends about the young toddlers in her care and their Òmanners.Ó Neeson, who was working at Forgewood Nursery Centre in Motherwell, said she was ten minutes into her first shift back at work when she posted the abusive rant.  WARNING INTERNET UNKNOWN COPYRIGHT Taken from public-facing open Facebook page

Her status update read: “First day back at work. Been in the room for at least 10 minutes and already been bitten, spat on, head butted and told to f*** off. Lovely manners of three year old children, bunch ae w******.”

I’m not sure what is more disturbing, her status update or that 16 of her friends liked the status!

Within hours of the status appearing, outraged parents flooded the North Lanarkshire Council-run nursery with complaints.

Hayley has now been suspended pending an investigation. 

Picture/story from Facebook and Daily Record

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