
How to get over homework horrors

How to get over homework horrors Chances are your children have brought homework from school with them for the summer holidays or you may have a child starting homework for the first time come September. Homework is one of the major sources of stress in a family – it causes even more battles than doing […]

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Price Cap For Prepay Meters To Be Put In Place By Ofgem

Price Cap For Prepay Meters To Be Put In Place By Ofgem Ofgem says that the price cap has been put in place to protect the “Vulnerable” customers from being overcharged for the services. The cap idea came after a report from the Competition and Market Authority(CMA), which said that the 6 biggest energy suppliers […]

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Boots Clearance sale now on

Boots Clearance sale now on This is the perfect opportunity to pick up some bits and pieces for Christmas or birthdays. Boots always hold a good sale and this time it is no different. Spreading the cost of these items will leave you less skint around Christmas time with more money for the more important […]

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Selfridges Christmas shop is now open!

Selfridges Christmas shop is now open! Too early or are you like me and like to be prepared? I love being super prepared for Christmas. My Christmas shopping starts on boxing day in the sales, if i’m awake before the kids then I’ll browse the online says and pick up a few bits and pieces. […]

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Kids Eat Free

Eating out can be expensive, unless there are ‘kids eat free’ offers on That can bring the cost right down Brewers Fayre My absolute favourite has to be Brewers Fayre breakfast where each paying adult gets 2 free kids to eat free. For £8.75 you get a full breakfast including your usual buffet full English as […]

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Money & Finance

Thinking of taking out finance? Take note of our checklist first

Thinking of taking out finance? Take note of our checklist first Whether it’s a credit card, a loan, a store card or a finance arrangement, taking out a financial product should never be an easy decision. In fact, if you fail to get the very best deal you possibly can, you could end up spending […]

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Insurance & Motoring

How safety modifications might increase your car insurance

How safety modifications might increase your car insurance There are some pretty terrifying statistics out there when it comes to road accidents, so you might be forgiven for thinking that your insurance company would want to help you out if you take steps to make your vehicle that bit safer on the road. Unfortunately, you […]

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Jobs Board

Great questions to ask in a job interview

Great questions to ask in a job interview When you get to the end of a job interview you can feel like you’ve gone 12 rounds and you just want to go home, take off your nice clothes and rock in a corner. So when the interviewer asks if you have any questions, a lot […]

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Jobs Board

Body language tips for your job interview

Body language tips for your job interview When you are getting ready for that big job interview, your clothes are pressed and you’ve rehearsed some likely questions, consider this fact: just 40% of your communication is spoken. Body language tells an experienced interviewer far more than your mouth ever can. Your body language gives away […]

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Bar blocks mobile signal so the customers enjoy themselves

Bar blocks mobile signal so the punters enjoy themselves What do you think of this? The Gin Tub in Hove is blocking the signals of mobile phones to ensure they have a uninterrupted, fun-filled visit. Steven Tyler, the proprietor, was inspired by the 19th century physicist Michael Faraday. Mr Tyler told Sky News: “So basically we […]

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Free Little Dish Meal

Free Little Dish Meal This promotion ran last year and it was very popular. I got one of the meals for my daughter and she really enjoyed it, it is way of trying new kids meals without having to pay out and waste your money if they don’t like the food. Little Dish is offering […]

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Banned from Dominos because they got her orders wrong

Banned from Dominos because they got her orders wrong This seems a little crazy I think most of us can agree that we love a Dominos as a treat, I only ever buy when they have a 50% off code available as the prices are crazy otherwise. However, this Mum who is a huge Dominos […]

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Student grants are set to be replaced with loans

Student grants are set to be replaced with loans Will this affect you or a family member? There are changes to be brought into affect from 1st August 2016 in England which will see changes to students grants. The grants will be abolished and replaced with a loan if you come from a low income […]

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Don’t hand over contactless bank card in store

Don’t hand over contactless bank card in store What do you think of contactless payment? Personally I love it because it is so much quicker and easier to use. I do believe it is safe too as you can only spend up to £30 at a time when using contactless and after using contactless 3 […]

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