
Where to get coupons in the UK

Where to get coupons in the UK Couponing is becoming more popular than ever in the UK Have you ever used a coupon against your grocery shop? Chances are it saved you a few quid, which is still better than saving nothing. But what if you could save even more money on your grocery shop? […]

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Facebook users can officially name storms after themselves!

Facebook users can officially name storms after themselves! Have you noticed all of the big hurricanes in America have official names? Well soon all UK storms will too be given a name the Met Office has announced. In a bid to raise interest in the weather, Facebook and Twitter users will be encouraged to suggest […]

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Landlords are checking social media to vet new tenants

Landlords are checking social media to vet new tenants Have you ever agreed to this? Landlords and letting agents are paying for what are bing named as ‘personality reports’ which gives a break down on potential new tenants based on details obtained by trawling Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and other sites. Tenant Assured creates a report on behalf […]

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Help With School Uniform Costs

Help With School Uniform Costs Not everyone is entitled to this help though… I think school uniforms are expensive and it takes a lot of shopping around to find the best deals. I often shop in the sales in October – November time when school uniforms are being reduced.  You can often pick up uniform […]

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Free Sky Sports Day Pass

Free Sky Sports Day Pass This is worth £6.99 but today you pay absolutely nothing! Are you a sport lover? My daughter and I are outnumbered in our house and the boys love watching sport. Today only you can get a totally free Sky Sports Day Pass from Now TV worth £6.99. There is no […]

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Remove a third of calories from your pizza with this trick!

  Remove a third of calories from your pizza with this trick! We all love a good pizza from our favourite takeaway on a Saturday night, but there’s one thing that spoils the enjoyment! The calorie count! But what if I told you that there was one simple trick that could save you nearly 4.5g […]

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Schuh Sale

Schuh Sale If you’re going on holiday soon or just need a new pair of shoes, now is the best time to get some! Schuh are currently have an up to 50% off sale. Ranging from shoes to hats, there is a lot included in the sale. Men’s, women’s and children’s shoes and accessories are […]

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Primary school warn parents over ‘paedophile ring’

Primary school warn parents over ‘paedophile ring’ The text warnings have so far been sent to 3 schools. What kind of world are our children having to grown up in? It breaks my heart to think there are youngsters out there suffering at the hands of these monsters! Now three primary Schools have issued warnings […]

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Money Saving

Charity Starts At Home!

Charity starts at home! With the increase in the cost of living, people are changing their shopping habits, whereas we would previously boast about how much we spent on something the focus has now shifted to brag about how much we have saved. The rise in charity shops is one of the ways that we […]

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Would You Give Out A Gift Bag Like These On A Plane?

Would You Give Out A Gift Bag Like These On A Plane? Parents on planes have been giving out gift bags to apologise for their loud, crying baby or babies. One occurrence of this was uploaded to reddit.com. The user posted a picture of the bag and the note. The gift bag included sweets, mints and […]

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Things that annoy me…

Things that annoy me… Yep, I love a good rant but I’m sure you could probably relate to some of these… Ever felt like you need a rant? Now I have the platform to do it to millions of people so I thought I’d have a little rant here and see if anyone agrees with […]

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Cooking Food In Tinfoil Could Be Bad For Our Health

Cooking Food In Tinfoil Could Be Bad For Our Health If you have ever used tinfoil whilst cooking or preparing food, whether it be chicken for the Sunday roast or to wrap a sandwich for your lunch, you probably didn’t know the health risks associated with doing so… Ghada Bassioni, who is the head of […]

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Krispy Kreme 79p doughnuts

Krispy Kreme 79p doughnuts Yep, ANOTHER Krispy Kreme offer – I am a Krispy-Kreme-aholic and I don’t even care! If you have followed me for a while now you will know just  how much I love Krispy Kreme doughnuts – oh have you tried the Nutella or Biscoff flavour yet? If not, why not?! Delicious!! […]

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