
Warning after Kiddiecare website is hacked

Warning after Kiddiecare website is hacked Kiddiecare have said only a ‘small number’ of customers have been affected… A small number of customers received a “possible phishing communication” in the form of a text message from a website claiming to be a subsidiary of Kiddicare.com The text message invited the customer to take part in […]

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Rise in mobile phone scams

Rise in mobile phone scams There has been a rise in mobile phone scams. Follow my top tips to keep yourself safe… It seems there is a new story in the press every day about the latest mobile scam, it is very worrying and it can cost some people a lot of money. If you […]

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Mobile & Broadband

Have you been hit by £4.50 a time text scam?

Thousands of mobile phone customers hit by scam Over one hundred thousand mobile phone customers are being sent premium rate text messages they have never asked for, and charged £4.50 a time. In the past two years mobile phone regulator PhonepayPlus have received 7,462 complaints from customers who say they have been getting the texts […]

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Mortgage fraud rises 50%

Mortgage fraud rises 50% A credit checking company have uncovered a number of thieves attempting to commit fraud with mortgage application Experian uncovered a number of fraudulent applications and have said that in many cases fraudsters have hacked databases or intercepted emails between people and their solicitors in a bid to divert payments. These payments can […]

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BBC could axe free TV licence

BBC could axe free TV licence Over 600,000 households currently have a free TV licence but this could soon be a thing of the past As the BBC is set to take over responsibility for the TV licence from the government, they could cut the free TV licence. Free TV licences are currently available for […]

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BREAKING NEWS! English Schools WON’T now be forced to become Academies

The Education Secretary has announced that plans to make all English high schools become Academies to be scrapped Education secretary Nicky Morgan has confirmed that the Government is standing down on their decision to make all English schools into Academies in a huge u turn set to please a lot of parents and teachers across […]

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It’s Exam Time Again – Here’s how to help your kids cope

Dealing with exam stress There was a time when important exams were something far off in the distance of your life. Weekly spelling and tables tests and end-of-year exams were part of school experience, but apart from marks going into the teacher’s mark book and on your report to show regular progress, they carried no […]

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Keeping Your Kids Safe Online – What you can do today

How to ensure your children are safe on their phone or tablet The age at which children have access to a smartphone or tablet is dropping fast as they become a normal part of family life. Even games consoles – devices that parents think are safe such as the Nintendo 3DS and PlayStation Vita – […]

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Rip Off Rent

The price of renting is so high  Is your rent a rip off? There is an apartment in London right now that is priced at £895 – Yet it is only 75ft of space! It is believed to be Britain’s smallest apartment. For your money you get a single bed, a tiny kitchen hidden behind a mirror […]

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Benefits Of Playing Games With Children

Benefits of playing games with your children We all know that children love to play but actively playing with your children, rather than just leaving them to their own devices, can have an extremely positive impact on their development. This is the case throughout their childhood too, not just in their younger years. Improve numeracy […]

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How much is too much for prom?

How much is too much for prom? Most people reading this when they hear the word ‘Prom’ think of the cheesy American films they watched when they were little or might (depending on their age) think of the one they had when graduating secondary school or college. You might not be thinking of 11-year-olds…..but nowadays […]

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Money Saving

Improve Your Credit Record

How To Improve Your Credit Record Is your credit record making you want to cry? Loans are hard enough to get hold of these days even without a bad credit rate. But apart from that, it could now affect your chances of getting monthly car insurance, phone contracts and of course mortgages. But please don’t […]

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World naked gardening day

World naked gardening day Will you be taking part? Saturday 7th May will see the return of naked gardening day around the world. I don’t have any facts and figures to tell you how popular this day is or whether many people take part but I have seen a few people talking about it this morning […]

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This little device can cut your insurance!

This little device can cut your insurance! Have any of you heard of a dashcam before? Well they are simple small recording devices that sit on your dashboard to record the roads ahead. It may be a simple idea, but these dashcams are a great way of slashing the price of your car insurance and […]

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