
Drawing Pins Hidden under Baby Changing Mat

Drawing pins hidden under baby changing mat A furious mother has told how her baby son was injured because of drawing pins hidden under a changing mat. Usually when I report on news stories on my website I try and not take sides, however, I would just like to say to whoever done this – you […]

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Brussels Blasts

The latest news on Brussels blasts Sad news in this morning, there have been several blasts around Brussels today… Up to 13 people have died and at least 35 wounded in blasts throughout Brussels earlier today. The first blast happened at Zaventem Airport in Brussels. Shots were fired and Arabic shouted before the bomb blasts, according […]

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Insurance & Motoring

Car insurance could be about to get more expensive!

Car insurance could be about to get more expensive! Just when you thought it was safe to go back to the forecourt and get yourself a shiny new car, it turns out that UK motorists are likely to be hit with a hefty increase in the cost of car insurance policies. Research by the AA […]

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Money & Finance

Minimum wage increase

Minimum wage increase Many people will be overjoyed to hear that as of April the minimum wage for those over the age of 25 is going up to £7.20 an hour. A move that is set to be a step towards the “living wage” that has been talked about so much. And while it means […]

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Shopping, Discounts & Vouchers.

Food myths could be costing you a fortune!

Food myths could be costing you a fortune! According to The Mirror, common food myths and misconceptions are costing us almost £300 a year in food that’s chucked away for no good reason. A total of 353 million litres of milk, 733,000 potatoes and 473,000 tonnes of bread are thrown away unnecessarily! Here are three […]

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Should you believe the Gluten Free hype?

Should you believe the Gluten Free hype? The world seems to have gone mad at the moment for gluten free products, supermarket shelves are now groaning under the weight of gluten free bagels and bread, but does this mean that the nation has suddenly developed a massive intolerance to gluten? No of course not, so […]

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Experts reveal the age you will be happiest, but do you agree?

Experts reveal the age you will be happiest, but do you agree? Experts have revealed the age in which you are most likely to be the happiest in your life, and It’s not what I would have expected, but do you agree? Believe it or not, a survey has been conducted by the Medical Research […]

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Shopping, Discounts & Vouchers.

New trick to get 50p off your Starbucks!

New trick to get 50p off your Starbucks! Can you not live without your morning Starbucks before you get into work? If so you’ll probably benefit from this little trick for getting 50p off your coffee. Did you know that Starbucks customers already receive a nice little 25p discount off their coffees when they take in […]

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Facebook Branded Warehouse Clothing Scam

Facebook branded warehouse clothing scam This seems to be very similar tot the Ninja Warrior scam that I uncovered a couple of weeks ago… The description of the branded warehouse clothing sale is as follows:  ”The BIGGEST clothing warehouse sale of 2016 is coming to Durham! Don’t miss out on huge discounts on all of […]

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Mobile & Broadband

Secret Facebook Messenger game really does exist!

Secret Facebook Messenger game really does exist! Did you know Facebook messenger has a secret game for users to play on their mobile devices? No neither did I until I tried it out for myself, but the secret game really does exist! Firstly, update your messenger app so you can get the ball rolling …. […]

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Money & Finance


3 EASY STEPS TO IMPROVE YOUR CREDIT SCORE WITH CREDIT CARDS IN 2016 Lots of us take for granted how much a bad credit score can really affect us. It’s often assumed that having a bad credit score will only affect our chances of getting a mortgage or loan, but these days that couldn’t be […]

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School bans playground game ‘tig’. Where will it end?

School bans playground game ‘tig’. Where will it end? I recently wrote a post explaining to you all how a school had banned parents from coming to pick their kids up in their PJ’s.  I can understand the reasoning behind this, however, I am now reading in the news that schools are now banning pupils […]

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Lollipop man quits following high five ban

Lollipop man quits following high five ban A lollipop man who was once known as the happiest in Scotland has quit after the fun police moved in… Lollipop man, Nkosana Mdikane, danced and sang at his crossing and gave the pupils high fives. But officials at West Dunbartonshire Council put a stop to the fun […]

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Asda Confirm Job Cuts

Asda confirm job cuts of their most unpopular services The plans will cut the jobs of 530 store staff Asda announced its plans in January to cut the jobs of around 5,000 store staff. The plan was to offer those staff affected new positions in another department, if they didn’t accept the new offer then it could […]

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