Money Saving

Job Seeker Allowance Rules

Did you know your job seekers allowance (JSA) may be affected if you don’t follow the ‘rules’? I have explained the job seeker allowance rules to ensure you don’t end up having your benefits stopped. Will my partner moving in with me affect my JSA claim? If you get contribution based JSA then no, your […]

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1,000 hit by fraud a day. Here’s the one big tip from police.

1,000 hit by fraud a day. Here’s the one big tip from police. It’s absolutely shocking that 1,000 people are hit by fraud a day. More people are choosing to online shop these days, unfortunately leaving themselves more vulnerable to fraudsters. It is revealed that nine in ten victims decide against reporting the attack to the […]

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Credit Explained

There are so many different types of credit available but it is a bit of a minefield  Credit explained – my guide to what types of credit that are available for you… Which types of credit are good? Which types are bad? and how do you check your credit score for free? Let me get […]

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Twist Herder Snood

I don’t like wearing scarves, they always poke out from the bottom of my coat, this snood from Superdry is exactly what I need! I’ve heard they keep your neck and chest seriously warm, they’re lush!

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Lonsdale Exercise Bike

Getting fit in 2016? If you have room at home, save yourself the trip to the gym with this exercise bike! My sister has this and she has hers in front of the TV so she doesn’t miss a thing!

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