Parents could be set to face even bigger fines!

Parents could be set to face even bigger fines!

We’ve heard a lot about parents being fined big money for taking little ones away abroad during the school’s term time, and the opinions seem to be split at the moment seeing as holidays are so much more expensive during the school holidays. Now it seems that the fine could be set to rise higher than £60 as ofsted chief Sir Michael Wilshaw calls for higher fines.

Speaking with The Sunday Times, he said: “I would like to see the fines raisedWe have too many parents taking their children out in term time.”

Sir Michael added firmly: “I think schools should adopt a hard line and not allow the youngsters out. If parents are behaving irresponsibly then the state is right to say, This is wrong and you are being a bad parent.”

Although there is only a minority of parents who still to choose to break the law by choosing to avoid the rules, lots of parents diapprove the new rules because it means that even very short trips with genuine educational value and really important family events are out of the question.

What do YOU think about fines for parents?

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CLICK HERE to find out why Ofsted are urging two year olds to take up nursery places.

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