Pregnant women quit smoking in return for shopping vouchers!

Pregnant women quit smoking in return for shopping vouchers!

A study has found that women are much more likely to give up smoking if they are offered shopping vouchers!

A number of different schemes were trialled in Glasgow involving over 600 women in a bid to try and convince them to quit smoking during pregnancy. The result showed that shopping vouchers was the most effective method.

The women were given the money over a number of weeks as long as they could prove through breath and urine tests that they were smoke – free.

The NHS reported: ‘The study found significantly more women in the voucher group (22.5%) stopped smoking by late pregnancy (34 to 38 weeks) compared with the control group (8.6%).’

It’s no surprise to me that many mothers have criticised the scheme and labelling it bribery.

According to official figures, almost 20% of women in Scotland smoke at the time of delivery.

Researchers say: ‘The money, albeit in the form of vouchers, often lifts the pressure.’

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