If you’re a big fan of the classic Cadbury’s Freddo, when buying the sweet treat you’ve probably always been annoyed about the fact that they’re nowhere as cheap as they used to be, so you’ll be pleased to hear the famous chocolate bars are finally going down in price!
If you’re a true Freddo fan, you’ll know the frustration of seeing the price of the little chocolate bar rise from the super affordable pence they cost when we were kids.
The happy little frog was originally priced at just 10p when it was released and rose to a pricier 30p!

But now, Cadbury’s has revealed that it will be reducing the price of the chocolate to its 2017 price of 25p.
The chocolatiers have made the price drop after recent reports that their price has risen by 200% since 2000.
So although the price of the Freddo has gone down, it isn’t exactly back to the pocket money prices of yonder year, but it’s a step in the right direction, right?
Buy them HERE.