Recall on this medication, It’s found to be scamming customers

Recall on this medication, It’s found to be scamming customers

Personally, I think this should happen in the UK too…

How many of you have Nurofen products in your medicine cabinet? Well you may want to think twice about purchasing them again.

The company have been forced to recall some versions of their products which are exactly the same as standard ibuprofen, yet being marketed as specific to individual pains, i.e back pain, migraine or period pain. They have been selling these products for twice the price!

Nurofen has now been ordered by an Australian court to stop selling these versions and they are to be taken off shelves.


The court has now ruled that customers have been tricked into buying the products, thinking they were designed to treat specific pain, when really they were all the same.

I have said before that when buying medication, we are often paying for the brand or the packaging. Own brand medication usually has exactly the same ingredients.

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