Register Your Personal Belongings Incase Of Theft

Why not register your personal belongings incase of theft?

This website is supported by police, so it’s a good idea!

Immobilise has been operation for over 11 years, bringing owners back possession of their stolen items.

The Immobilise system was setup in 2003 and has had the support of the Police, mobile phone industry and central government since it’s inception. With the support of these and numerous other organisations the Immobilise service has grown to hold details of over 28 million items of property.

For the Police, the free Immobilise property registration service is a very powerful tool in the fight against crime. 

If you have any of your property stolen, it is registered with Immobilise and the police find your property then they may be able to arrest the person who has possession of your stolen item – even charge them with handling stolen goods.

This could result in your property being returned to you or help with your insurance claim. 

Immobilise is completely free to use and it is massive help in the fight against crime. 

The top 5 items that thieves usually go for are…

  1. Laptops
  2. Games consoles
  3. Bikes
  4. Cameras 
  5. Smart phones

Register the serial numbers of your property with Immobilise to ensure you get your property back if it is ever found.

You can sign up here completely free of charge.

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