Sea Life Centre Blackpool review

Sea Life Centre Blackpool review

Visiting Blackpool? You need to add the Sea Life Centre on to your ‘to do’ list…

We used to have a Sea Life centre here in Newcastle upon Tyne but once it changed to a different company we weren’t impressed. I remember loving visiting the Sea Life Centre when I was a child and my younger brother had his birthday party there.

We decided to pay a visit to Sea Life Centre when we were in Blackpool last week and I am so pleased we did.

You can save up to 52% on entry when you book with The Big Blackpool Ticket – this gives you access to up to 7 attractions in Blackpool throughout your stay and tickets are valid for 90 days so you have plenty of time to use them.

I want to start of with one of my favourite photos before I go any further – check out the face on this stingray, how cute?!

Sea Life Centre Blackpool review

Sea Life Centre Blackpool review My daughter an I were ready for our tour and couldn’t wait to get started.

There was tons for the kid’s to do, they are given an activity pack as they go in which gives them a quiz to do as they walk around the attraction.

There are plenty of fascinating facts as you walk around the centre too, did you know you’re more likely to win the lottery than be killed by a shark?! Good to know! I found the Sea Life Centre not only lots of fun, but very educational too – there is tons you can learn in the couple of hours you are here. There were staff on hand to ask any questions you had too.

Sea Life Centre Blackpool review

There are interactive screens in many areas which allow you to play games and learn about the different fish in the tanks.

Sea Life Centre Blackpool review

The touch pool was a firm favourite with my 3 children. They loved being able to put their hands in the pool and touch the star fish as well as using these big binoculars to view everything under the water.

Sea Life Centre Blackpool review

Sea Life Centre Blackpool review

One of my favourite parts of the Sea Life centre was this huge glass wall where you can see the fish swimming past you. I sat on the wooden bench in this room for a while just watching the sting rays and sharks swimming by, it is crazy to think how peaceful and quiet it is in here whilst just outside is the whole hustle and bustle of Blackpools promenade with lots of noise and people.

Sea Life Centre Blackpool review

Sea Life Centre Blackpool review

There are many tanks and displays that you can put your head into an inverted bubble so it feels as though your head is in the tank – my 2 youngest children loved this!

Sea Life Centre Blackpool review

Sea Life Centre Blackpool review

Sea Life Centre Blackpool review

Did you know, at the Sea Life Centre you can go into the shark tank?! We watched a couple be lowered into the shark tank in a cage and it looked amazing! I would love to do something like this but I’m not sure I’m brave enough – would you do it?

Sea Life Centre Blackpool review

Towards the end of the tour there is a tunnel which you walk through and the fish swim over your head! It is fantastic and everyone was fascinated – especially when the shark swam over head, he was huge!

Sea Life Centre Blackpool review

Sea Life Centre Blackpool review


Sea Life Centre Blackpool review

Once you hit the end of the tour, there was a gift shop and a small soft play for the children. The centre is quite big and we were in there for nearly 2 hours so this really is worth a visit.

Have you been to the Sea Life Centre in Blackpool? What was your favourite part?

Keep scrolling for the rest of my photos I took during our visit…

Sea Life Centre Blackpool review

Sea Life Centre Blackpool review

Sea Life Centre Blackpool review

Sea Life Centre Blackpool review

Sea Life Centre Blackpool review

Sea Life Centre Blackpool review

Sea Life Centre Blackpool review

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