More news just in from what could be mentioned in Wednesdays budget…
Sunday trading hours to be relaxed?
Sky news found out that this news come just over two months after a campaign group was sent a reassurance on behalf of David Cameron that his party had ‘no current plans’ to relax the Sunday trading laws.
However, it is now being said that George Osbourne will argue that ‘a growing appetite’ for Sunday shopping means that areas around the UK should be able to decide whether longer opening hours would boost their local economy.
Existing laws prevent larger shops from trading for more than six hours on a Sunday.
The Chancellor said: “Even two decades on from the introduction of the Sunday Trading Act, it is clear that that there is still a growing appetite for shopping on a Sunday.
“There is some evidence that transactions for Sunday shopping are actually growing faster than those for Saturday.
“The rise of online shopping, which people can do round the clock, also means more retailers want to be able to compete by opening for longer at the weekend.
“But this won’t be right for every area, so I want to devolve the power to make this decision to mayors and local authorities.
“This will be another part of my plan to ensure a truly national recovery, with our great towns and cities able to determine their own futures.”
Paris has recently relaxed restrictions on Sunday trading.
There are no trading laws at all in New York.
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