Sustainable Living

Have you ever wondered if you would be better off financially living in a new build home? Or how much energy your iPhone uses? 

Thanks to Miller Homes, we are able to bring you all the facts and figures so you can make an informed decision when it comes to buying your first/next home and making you think twice before you turn on the light switch or boil the kettle…

Benefits of living in a new home

  • Living in a draft proofed home can save you up to £10 – £50 a year
  • With a room thermostat, programmer and thermostatic radiator valves in your home you could save between £70 – £150 a year
  • A 3 bed detached new build could cost 52% less to run than  an ‘upgraded’ victorian home
  • A 4 bed detached new build could cost 55% less to run than an ‘upgraded’ victorian home
  • New builds are built with cavity walls which contain insulation. This insulation could save you £140 per year in heating

Household appliances

  • If every person in a 4 bedroom household showered for one minute less a day in a power shower it could save £60 on energy bills and a further £60 on water bills
  • Lighting has an average annual cost of £77 a year
  • TV + DVD + Set top box has an annual running cost of around £66
  • For your fridge freezer there is an average annual of £62 a year
  • If a household owns a washing machine and a tumble dryer the cost of laundering their clothes would typically be £80 not including softeners and detergents
  • For your electric kettle it costs an average of £25 a year to boil a full 2 litre kettle twice a day
  • An average running cost for an oven in £42

Did you know…?

  • The unreleased energy contained in the average dustbin each year could power a television for 5,000 hours
  • Recycling steel and tin cans saves 74% of the energy necessary to produce them
  • Enough energy is saved by recycling one aluminium can to run a TV set for 3 hours 
  • Your iPhone uses 16p of energy a year
  • 1 recycled plastic bottle would save enough energy to power a 60 watt lightbulb for 3 hours
  • Microwaves use 70% to 90% less energy than ovens
  • An average 5 minute power shower can use up to 100 litres of water
  • The energy used to boil one kettle of water could light a room for the entire evening 
  • Your laptop uses £5.09 worth of energy a year

You can see the Miller Homes findings here

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